CSTA-LI's January meeting is Thursday, January 26th, 4 - 5 pm. A zoom link will be posted here on Wednesday.
We would like to use our monthly meeting to plan some PD that you may be of interest to you. We have thought of several, and are hoping that you can share your ideas and interests. Note that PD offered through CSTA-LI can earn CTLE hours. Some possibilities to kick off the discussion:
- CSTA is offering a cybersecurity PD online. We thought it might be fun do the PD together. We'd all register but then get together to watch and discuss the videos and collaborate as we work through the activities.
- There are very few resources that contain sample Computing Innovation questions that we can use with our AP CS Principles classes. We thought it might be useful if some AP CSP teacher (current, past, or future) met and developed our own question sets. This would be a single session, and we could try out each others' questions. We would leave with multiple sample question sets to use with our classes.
- Are these of interest to you? Do you have ideas for other PD that you need or would like to lead?
The rest of the meeting we will focus on AP CS A topics. Bring your ideas for projects that we can share. If there's enough interest, we could spin this off to a PD too.
Please join us and help plan the remainder of the year for the Chapter.
Zoom link for today's CSTA-LI January Meetinghttps://commack-k12-ny-us.zoom.us/j/94594196753?pwd=WGNTLzB4YVdCMGlxVXN0ZWhYT056UT09 Meeting ID: 945 9419 6753 Passcode: 406506 One tap mobile +16469313860,,94594196753# US +16465588656,,94594196753# US (New York)
Time: Jan 26, 2023 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting