Two Local Summer PD Opportunities

Feedback from this year's CSTA chapter survey highlighted our members' interest in PD.  We have organized the following two mini course PD opportunities for this summer:
Advanced Algorithms for CS Teachers, July 29 – August 2
          Register at:
Databases for CS Teachers,  August 13 – 16
          Register at:
CTLE hours available for each.
Please see the linked flyers for additional information:
Two Local Summer PD Opportunities 2024-06-24 04:00:00Z 0

Help Revise the CSTA Standards

The current CSTA K-12 Standards were published in 2017, and much has changed since then regarding research, implementation, technological advances, and standards adoption by states. As such, CSTA has begun the process of revising the CSTA K-12 Standards with an anticipated launch of updated standards in summer 2026. Community involvement in this process is essential to its success, and CSTA is currently accepting applications from individuals interested in serving as writers, advisors, and/or reviewers during the revision process.

Responsibilities will formally begin in September 2024. Educators that are selected for the writing team will receive a stipend for their full and active participation. Visit the CSTA K-12 Standards Revision webpage for additional information and to apply. Those interested in being involved should complete the application by Monday, June 17. Applicants will be notified of selection status by Friday, July 5. 

Help Revise the CSTA Standards 2024-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

CSTA Survey

If you are a member of CSTA then you've received several emails for this.  However, if you've missed them, here's the information.
Please complete this membership and chapter feedback survey ASAP to help CSTA grow and thrive.

If you are a member of a CSTA chapter, you'll also be asked to give some feedback on your chapter. Chapters are at the heart of what CSTA strives to achieve — building local communities amongst CS teachers and supporting their ongoing professional development. 

The information gathered will support CSTA as well as your Chapter Leaders in setting goals and planning for activities in the 2024-25 school year. CSTA will only share aggregate data with Chapter Leaders and staff members; responses will be anonymous and not linked to specific members. We anticipate it will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

We know you've been inundated with emails, and we appreciate and value your time. We understand that this has been the most challenging couple of years teachers have ever faced, and we are grateful for all that you have done for your students, for your chapter, and in support of CS education. 

To thank you for your time, the first 1,000 CSTA members who complete this survey will receive a $10 Amazon gift card. We appreciate your willingness to help support CSTA and your local chapter.

Please complete the survey in the next two weeks, using the link below, by May 27, 2024.

Click Here to Start the Survey

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out; We're always happy to help.

-The CSTA Team

CSTA Survey 2024-05-29 04:00:00Z 0
Chapter Meeting & End of Year Projects PD 2024-05-09 04:00:00Z 0

CSTA and TeachAI Survey

CSTA and TeachAI invite K-12 CS teachers to share their expertise and insights in a short survey. Your responses will be anonymous and contribute to a greater understanding of what's happening in CS classrooms today. What works? What do we still need to know? What are the risks and benefits? How can we prepare our students to learn and thrive in an age of AI? We will use this information to help us develop guidance for educators that will be released at the CSTA Conference in July 2024. The first 100 respondents will receive a $5 gift card. Share your perspective by May 10.
CSTA and TeachAI Survey 2024-04-19 04:00:00Z 0

CSTA is seeking applications for members of the 2025 Annual Conference Committee

The CSTA Conference Committee is a dedicated team of enthusiastic volunteers who care about making the professional development at CSTA's Annual Conference the best in the business. The conference committee works closely with the CSTA Events Team to select the content, plan engaging moments for attendees, and help make this conference one that is developed for teachers, by teachers.

CSTA is seeking applications for members of the 2025 Annual Conference Committee 2024-03-25 04:00:00Z 0

Greater NY Regional High School Programming Competition

This year’s ACM sanctioned Greater NY Regional High School Programming Competition will be held on Monday, May 20th, on our Patchogue Long Island campus in the Business and Technology Building. If you would like to enter a team (or multiple teams) composed of three students into the competition, please e-mail William McAllister  (wmcallister@sjny.edusome time after 8:00am on April 8th  and before 12:00pm on April 15th Include in your email:  

  • your name,
  • phone number,
  • e-mail address,
  • the name of your high school, and
  • the number of teams you would like to enter into the competition.

Teams will be accepted into the competition in the order in which he receives the responses. If the total number of teams entered does not exceed the maximum number they can accommodate, all the teams entered will be accepted into the competition. Otherwise a team will be eliminated from the school, or schools, with the highest number of entered teams on a last-received-first-out basis until the total number of teams accepted into the competition is the number of teams that can be accommodated. 

Team check-in will begin at 10:45am on the morning of the competition in our Business and Technology Building, and end at 11:30am. The full competition day schedule is available on the competition’s webpage, as are other materials that you may find useful as you prepare for the competition. The programming language used during the competition will be Java.

Food will be available from 10:45am to 3:30pm in the competition briefing room located in O’Connor Hall. Teams will be directed to that location after they check-in at the registration table. 

Greater NY Regional High School Programming Competition 2024-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

Statewide Professional Development Offering

There is a Statewide Professional Development offering, this Thursday, March 21 from 5:00 to 6:00 PM via Zoom. 

Diane Levitt, Director of Cornell Tech's K-12 Initiative, will be speaking to us.  She will be providing  An Update on Cornell Tech's K-12 Initiative in Computational Thinking and Computer Science Education.    In this discussion, there will be a focus on younger learners, so this would be a great opportunity to engage some of our colleagues from our middle and elementary schools. 

Diane Levitt is the Senior Director of K-12 Education for Cornell Tech. She drives engagement with the NYC computing education community, including the Dept. of Education's CS4All initiative, and works with individual schools to catalyze K-12 computer science. 

Zoom Link for the Meeting:

Statewide Professional Development Offering 2024-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

Roslyn Hackathon

You and your students are invited to Roslyn's annual HS Hackathon THIS Saturday, March 2nd.  If you and your students will be attending, please submit the completed Registration, no later than Wednesday (2/28/24) 8:00 AM. 

Please respond to Brian today if you are planning to attend with a rough estimate of number of people attending, even if you do not have the form completed by today.

The event will be held on Saturday March 2nd.  It will run from 9 AM to ~5 PM.  I’ve attached the registration form as both a pdf and word docx, so you can use whichever you prefer.  If you and your students are interested in attending, please email me the completed form back.  This year we are charging students who attend $10 cash to offset the cost of food and prizes.  A potential schedule of the event is outlined below:


Workshop1 (TBD):             9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Workshop2 (TBD):           10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Workshop3 (TBD):           11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Brainstorming Projects:    12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
Lunch:                                 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Working on Projects:          2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Judging & Awards:             4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

If you and your students are planning on attending, please send me the completed registration form as soon as possible, but no later than Wednesday February 28, 8:00 AM.  If there is anything I missed that you would like to know, please ask.  The Roslyn code club truly hopes to see you there.

Brian Ciavarella
Roslyn High School

Roslyn Hackathon 2024-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

AP CS Principles Update

 Do you teach AP Computer Science Principles? You don't want to miss the February CSTA Connecticut Chapter Meeting, where Jackie Corricelli will be presenting information about the updates to the AP Computer Science Principles exam, specifically the Create Performance Task. This virtual meeting, set for Monday, Feb. 12, from 7-8 p.m. ET, is open to all. Be sure to bookmark this and get the most current information from one of the leaders in the subject area - RSVP Today! 
AP CS Principles Update 2024-02-11 05:00:00Z 0

New York Statewide CSTA Chapters PD

Happy New Year!  We are continuing our bi-monthly New York Statewide CSTA Chapters PD sessions on January 22nd from 5pm-6pm.
Our guest presenter will be Danny Klag, Director of AP Computer Science Assessment at The College Board.
 • How generative AI has motivated an update to their end-of-course assessment.
 • Grading open-ended projects with rubrics.
 • Ways to evaluate students writing about their code.
Thank you to Western NY CSTA for facilitating the PD this month.  We hope to see you there.
Zoom Meeting Link: ID: 981 3531 9857Passcode: 593620One tap mobile+16469313860,,98135319857# US
New York Statewide CSTA Chapters PD 2024-01-21 05:00:00Z 0

CSTA Survey

CSTA has embarked on a comprehensive strategic planning process to help us chart a path forward for the next 3-5 years, and we want to hear from you! Your insights will help shape our direction, serve member needs, and focus our resources for greater impact. Complete this short pulse survey by Monday, Dec. 11! Thank you to everyone who has already taken the time to submit feedback!


CSTA Survey 2023-12-08 05:00:00Z 0

CSTA-LI Holiday Meet-up

We announced it back in September, and now it's here.  We will be getting together to visit in person this Friday, December 8th, at the Main Event in Farmingdale.  We hope you'll join us 3:00 - 5:00pm for a little seasonal celebration.
Main Event, Farmingdale:
1815 Broad Hollow Rd,
Farmingdale, New York 11735
CSTA-LI Holiday Meet-up 2023-12-05 05:00:00Z 0

Long Island Conference Day

CSTA-LI is hosting its
Long Island Conference Day
Roslyn High School
November 7th, 2023   8am - 3pm
Join us to
  • Connect with other colleagues teaching CS at the high school, middle school, and upper elementary school levels
  • Learn about how others are implementing the new NYS Standards at elementary, middle, and HS levels
  • Discuss changes in the AP classes and curriculum
  • Gain insight from AP readers who scored APCS A and AP CSP
  • Be a part of a community of educators
You can earn up to 7 hours of CTLE credit.
Note that payment is at the door.
Long Island Conference Day 2023-10-12 04:00:00Z 0

CSTA Monthly Meeting - September

We will be holding our monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 26th, 4:00 - 5:00pm.  This is an important meeting since we will be
The meeting will be held virtually via zoom, and we hope that all members and prospective members can attend.  CTLE hours are available for the meeting.
The zoom link will be posted on Tuesday morning.
CSTA Monthly Meeting - September 2023-09-21 04:00:00Z 0

PD:  Introduction to Kotlin

We are pleased to offer the following in-service (10 CTLE hours) workshop for computer science teachers at the end of July.

Introduction to Kotlin
Kotlin is a modern programming language which can be integrated into Java projects. It is a more modern and concise Java alternative. While Kotlin can be used for any kind of project (desktop or mobile application, web application, database and server-side programming) it is especially recommended for Android apps.
Location: TBA
Dates and times: July 25th and 26th 9 AM – 2 PM
Cost: No Cost
Registration is online:
PD: Introduction to Kotlin 2023-07-10 04:00:00Z 0

Give CSTA Feedback

Don't forget to complete the CSTA Chapter and Membership Feedback Survey
For the third year, CSTA is asking for your feedback! If you haven’t done so already, please take a moment to check your inboxes for the CSTA Chapter and Membership Feedback Survey (from CSTA If you are registered with a CSTA Chapter on your member profile, you should have received a unique link with a username and password.
If you are not associated with a CSTA Chapter or if you did not receive a unique link, please use the link below and use the following username + password, by May 21, 2023:
Username: Participant
Password: 123456
Give CSTA Feedback 2023-05-17 04:00:00Z 0

Teen Hacks Long Island

THLI is looking for students with diverse interests and skills to join them.  Please consider publishing the following to your high school students:
Calling all programmers, designers, makers, and leaders! TeenHacks LI is Long Island’s premier 24-hour high school hackathon, by students, for students. At THLI, our plan is to resume hosting on-site hackathons later this year. In order to make this possible, we need a team of passionate and qualified organizers. The executive board and organizing committee application will be open until May 21st, but spots will be filled on a rolling basis.Application link (should be completed ASAP):
Learn more about THLI:
Teen Hacks Long Island 2023-04-30 04:00:00Z 0

Greater NY Regional High School Programming Competition

This year’s ACM sanctioned Greater NY Regional High School Programming Competition will be held on Wednesday, May 17th, on St Joseph's Patchogue Long Island campus. If you would like to enter a team (or multiple teams) composed of three students into the competition, send an e-mail after 8:00am on April 10th and before 8:00am on April 17th to William McAllister  at

 Include in your email:  

  • your name,
  • phone number,
  • e-mail address,
  • the name of your high school, and
  • the number of teams you would like to enter into the competition. 
Greater NY Regional High School Programming Competition 2023-04-07 04:00:00Z 0

Empowering Educators with ChatGPT: A Guide to Enhancing Teaching and Learning Experimental Conversation

"The Future of Education: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Generative AI Tools," will delve into the impact of generative AI on the education and learning sectors. The session will cover the latest developments in generative AI technology and its applications in education, from personalized learning to content creation. The speakers will also discuss the challenges faced in implementing generative AI tools in education and the steps that can be taken to overcome them. This session will be a unique opportunity for educators, administrators, and technology professionals to explore the future of education and to learn about the benefits and challenges of generative AI tools. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of the potential of generative AI to transform the education landscape and the role they can play in making this a reality.
          The next session is Wednesday, March 8th.  You must register to receive the zoom link:
Empowering Educators with ChatGPT: A Guide to Enhancing Teaching and Learning Experimental Conversation 2023-03-07 05:00:00Z 0

Colorado School of Mines HS Programming Competition

The Colorado School of Mines hosts a yearly high school programming competition. This year, the competition will be April 29th, 2023 and you are invited to bring your HS students to participate!The event will be held in-person on the Mines campus, but teams can also participate remotely via Zoom. Last year we hosted several teams from other states, and even one international team. Team size is limited to 2-4 students, but any number of teams can join.There are also two team tracks: beginner and advanced. The beginner track is designed to be appropriate for teams that are new to programming and have not participated in a programming competition before. The advanced track is intended for teams with more significant experience and a passion for hard puzzles.Registration and attendance are both free, and there are modest prizes for the top teams in each track.More information can be found at our website, including an interest form where you can ask questions and be contacted when full registration goes live in early March. I hope to see you in April!------------------------------Rob Thompson, Assistant Teaching ProfessorColorado School of Mines
Colorado School of Mines HS Programming Competition 2023-01-26 05:00:00Z 0

High School Programming Contest

CSTA Lower Hudson Valley Chapter is excited to announce that registration is now open for their programming contest on February 9th hosted at Ardsley High School.  They are inviting neighboring chapters and their high school students.
Details and registration can be found at
Some quick details:
  • Registration is FREE.
  • We'll kick off getting settled to the contest at 3:30 on February 9th.
  • Dinner will be served during the competition!
  • Teams may have up to 4 members, each team must have a school district employed chaperone.
  • Coding Rooms will be orchestrating the technical side of the competition for us. Java, Python, and JavaScript will be supported!
  • Chaperones should have each student have the attached permission form signed by parents and bring them to the event.
  • Register by January 29th to be guaranteed a t-shirt!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
CSTA Lower Hudson Valley
Mr. Brandon Milonovich, President
Dr. Amy Fox, Vice President
Ms. Lauren Berrios, Secretary
Mr. Douglas Vermes, Treasurer
High School Programming Contest 2023-01-20 05:00:00Z 0

CSTA LI NY January Meeting

CSTA-LI's January meeting is Thursday, January 26th, 4 - 5 pm.  A zoom link will be posted here on Wednesday.
We would like to use our monthly meeting to plan some PD that you may be of interest to you.  We have thought of several, and are hoping that you can share your ideas and interests.  Note that PD offered through CSTA-LI can earn CTLE hours.  Some possibilities to kick off the discussion:
  • CSTA is offering a cybersecurity PD online.  We thought it might be fun do the PD together.  We'd all register but then get together to watch and discuss the videos and collaborate as we work through the activities.
  • There are very few resources that contain sample Computing Innovation questions that we can use with our AP CS Principles classes.  We thought it might be useful if some AP CSP teacher (current, past, or future) met and developed our own question sets.  This would be a single session, and we could try out each others' questions.  We would leave with multiple sample question sets to use with our classes.
  • Are these of interest to you?  Do you have ideas for other PD that you need or would like to lead? 
The rest of the meeting we will focus on AP CS A topics.  Bring your ideas for projects that we can share.  If there's enough interest, we could spin this off to a PD too.
Please join us and help plan the remainder of the year for the Chapter.
CSTA LI NY January Meeting 2023-01-20 05:00:00Z 0

Moving Towards a Vision of Equitable Computer Science

  • Happy to share that our report sharing the results from the landscape PreK-12 CS teacher survey is now live! We titled it Moving Towards a Vision of Equitable Computer Science: Results of a Landscape Survey of PreK-12 CS Teachers in the United States.
  • The report summarizes how teachers' perspectives of how we achieve equity within CS ed, including their use of identity-inclusive content and practices.
  • View the report (and an awesome landing page) at report was only possible given a tremendous collective effort from the Kapor Center, CSTA, and the Alliance for Identity Inclusive Computing Education.
  • We would love your help in promoting. Please amplify and use this marketing toolkit to share with your own networks.
Moving Towards a Vision of Equitable Computer Science 2022-12-29 05:00:00Z 0

Finch Loans from Birdbrain

Applications for spring/summer 2023 Finch loans are open from now until January 8th.  Apply today!
Finch Loan program applications are now OPEN for spring and summer 2023! In the last 8 years, they have reached over 205,000 students with their free robot loans. Will YOUR classes be next? They want to see creative robotics magic in your classroom: Fill out your application today!
Finch Loans from Birdbrain 2022-12-21 05:00:00Z 0
Agenda: CSTA-LI Meeting on December 8 2022-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

Agenda:  CSTA-LI Meeting on October 27

Our next meeting of the Long Island chapter of the CSTA is this Thursday, October 27th at 4pm. It will finish in plenty of time for anyone who wishes to participate in the CSForNY follow up meeting which starts at 5pm.
Read more to get the agenda and zoom link.
Agenda: CSTA-LI Meeting on October 27 2022-10-25 04:00:00Z 0
Teach Security 2022-10-07 04:00:00Z 0

NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award

The NCWIT Aspirations in Computing awards honor 9th-12th grade students, undergraduate and graduate students, and educators who are women, genderqueer, and non-binary for their computing-related achievements and interests, and encourages them to pursue their passions.
NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award 2022-10-07 04:00:00Z 0

Present at CSTA 2023

Submit to Present at CSTA 2023 [Submission Deadline: November 6, 2022, 11:59 p.m. PT]We are now accepting submissions to present at the CSTA 2023 Virtual Conference, set for July 11-13, 2023! We're accepting submissions for breakout sessions, workshops, mini-sessions, and posters. Whether you've presented at a CSTA event before, or are looking to present for the first time, submissions are due by Nov. 6! Have a question that's not answered here? Reach out to the CSTA Events Team
Present at CSTA 2023 2022-10-07 04:00:00Z 0

NYSED Standards & Instruction Newsletter

Beginning this fall, the New York State Education Department’s Office of Standards and Instruction will publish a quarterly newsletter to share with educators important news, notable developments, helpful advice, and interesting information relating to standards-based instruction across all content areas. The newsletter, available on the Standards and Instruction homepage, will also include monthly supplements to present timely and relevant updates about numerous topics, including learning standards, awards, conferences, and instructional resources.  You may select the content areas of interest to you.

To be notified of new editions or to receive other updates from the Office of Standards and Instruction, please subscribe to the Content Area Notification Service. Please contact the Office of Standards and Instruction at 518-474-5922 or via email at if you have any questions.

NYSED Standards & Instruction Newsletter Holmes 2022-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

CSTA-LI Meeting

UPDATED:  Here is the link for the meeting recording:
Please join us for a CSTA-LI Chapter Meeting on Thursday, September 29th, at 4pm. We will use this to plan regular meetings for this year. Bring your ideas for the types of topics and PD you'd like covered in future meetings. CTLE credit available on request.
CSTA-LI Meeting 2022-09-15 04:00:00Z 0

CSForNY State Summit 2022

UPDATED:  Here is the link to the slides from the Long Island meetup, updated with information from the chat.

The CSForNY State Summit is an opportunity to build and amplify momentum to reach all New York students with quality, equitable, and sustainable K-12 computer science education programs.

Join us for the free, virtual 2022 CSForNY State Summit on: 

  • Friday September 30th, 2022 from 9am - 1pm
  • Saturday October 1st, 2022 from 9am - 1pm
CSForNY State Summit 2022 2022-09-13 04:00:00Z 0