Happy New Year!  We are continuing our bi-monthly New York Statewide CSTA Chapters PD sessions on January 22nd from 5pm-6pm.
Our guest presenter will be Danny Klag, Director of AP Computer Science Assessment at The College Board.
 • How generative AI has motivated an update to their end-of-course assessment.
 • Grading open-ended projects with rubrics.
 • Ways to evaluate students writing about their code.
Thank you to Western NY CSTA for facilitating the PD this month.  We hope to see you there.
Zoom Meeting Link:https://ufl.zoom.us/j/98135319857?pwd=Z3MxZDBJYUd5SVhlQllSV0RJTEpPdz09Meeting ID: 981 3531 9857Passcode: 593620One tap mobile+16469313860,,98135319857# US